Welcome to my blog!  Let me introduce myself!  My name is Sarah.  I'm the wife (of 11years) to Matt and the mother of three, beautiful girls 8 and under!  I'm not exactly sure what this blog will look like, but I'm hoping that on my journey to discover myself, again, I will be able to provide a creative outlet for both you and me.  


The last decade was long and hard.  Not just because of the stresses of marriage and motherhood, but because I have been struggling with health issues as well.  In an effort to try to heal we've done a lot of things.  Our most recent journey is building new (to get out of mold).  Our new home is two attached (by a utility room) yurts, on 20 acres, gifted to us by my in-laws.  We are not completely finished with our Yurt Home, but moved in on January 6th, 2023 after the inspector gave us the okay!


We have hopes and dreams of homesteading and providing our sweet family a more self-sustaining lifestyle.  It has been a dream of ours for several years, and having to give up our farmette (due to mold issues) a little over three years ago was extremely devastating!  We are excited for a fresh start and to, hopefully, settle down in one place, for awhile!


Although I will primarily be writing about the victories, struggles, and general trouble-shooting of Yurt living, I will also, likely, touch on my healing journey, and the struggles I've been through (and continue to go through) due to Mold Illness.  It's a dark part of our journey, but is ultimately what led us to build our Yurt Home.  It's not pretty, but it needs to be talked about.


I hope to create a space here that is welcoming and inviting.  A place where you can feel comfortable exploring your own journey, along with me, as I explore my journey to self discovery, healing, and finding peace within this crazy life God has given me.

Me and my husband, Matt, in August celebrating the last day of summer break for our oldest daughter.

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