This Was A Bad Idea

Published on 14 December 2022 at 16:13

I'm sure most of you (if any of you, whoever you are, are actually reading this) have thought, "this sounds like a really bad idea!  How are they going to stay warm?  Is this actually a solid structure that will hold up to a Wisconsin Winter?  Will they actually be comfortable in the yurts?" Well, today may have answered some of those questions and confirmed what you all have been thinking ... this was a really bad idea!


Although I do believe we'll be more comfortable, and probably will stay at least as warm as in the cabin it seems the structure, in fact, is not holding up to a Wisconsin Winter (and Winter hasn't even "officially" started yet)!  Today I went into the little yurt just to "check things out" like I always do, and noticed that the inside canvas was wet around one of the windows.  It appeared as though there was no insulation and outside canvas covering it.  Upon investigation, the freezing rain that we got last night had weighed down the extra canvas, around the windows, that Matt hadn't cut off yet.  It pulled the canvas and insulation off of the window and we had a gaping hole, between the insulation and inside canvas, with snow inside!  Although we always try to remain hopeful, today we really are feeling like this was a terrible idea!  We still have 3.5 more months of Winter, and haven't even seen the worst of it yet!  Not to mention ... WE STILL HAVEN'T EVEN MOVED IN YET!!!!!!!


Although this may seem like a little thing to some, to us this is HUGE.  It is huge because we have dealt with SO MANY other upsets!  Between my health issues, pregnancy issues, and all the moving we've had to do because of it, we've already been to Hell and back several times!  It's hard to deal with yet another setback!  The yurts were a cheaper option and it shows!  I really wish we had gone with the pole shed idea!  Walls don't fall off of pole sheds ... or at least I don't think they do!


We are officially crazy!  I hope we can get this problem taken care of, and not have more issues with other windows, but only time will tell.  If you're curious about whether or not we actually get the problems fixed and get moved in any time soon, come back around for another interesting story.


Until next time ...

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