We've Made It Through A Cold Snap ... Comfortably

Published on 1 February 2023 at 21:33

Sunday night was a bit chilly here in the yurts.  Our outdoor wood boiler wasn't circulating properly, and kept overheating, so Matt had to flush the system several times.  This meant that we didn't have our in-floor heat for several hours!  We were on the tail end, of January, in Wisconsin!  Sunday night's weather was predicted to be wind-chills of -30 degrees, and wouldn't you know it ... Wisconsin delivered!  


To make a long story short, we had found a pellet stove a month ago, that was little, cute, and didn't need to run on electricity so we wanted to install it in the big yurt, for supplemental heat.  However, it was designed for outdoor use, so when we contacted the company to figure out how to install it, they said it had never been tested for indoor use, and they didn't recommend it.  So ... we returned it, without another option, because other pellet stoves were currently out of our price range (and traditional wood stoves are too messy and moldy for me). 


Fast forward to Saturday when we were out for a walk with our neighbors/cousins/friends, and Amanda said, "Levi (Matt's youngest brother) and Sydney have a pellet stove that they don't want.  I bet you could get theirs from them."  So Matt called Levi up, and in fact, they did not want their pellet stove and were willing to give it to us (yes we did try to pay them for it, but Levi just said, "I don't want your money.  It came with the house, so I didn't pay anything for it.  You can just have it").  So late Sunday afternoon Matt and I dropped the girls off at his parents and drove the hour up to Levi and Sydney's to get the stove in the VERY nick of time!  Matt was able to get the stove installed that night, and thank God, because it was cold outside, but we were comfortable (not necessarily warm, but comfortable) inside!  Now that we have the in-floor heat working and the pellet stove running, we've actually been hot!  With below zero weather every night/morning this week, I'd say that's pretty comfortable in our yurt home everyone thought we'd be cold living in!


Last time I wrote, I talked about our property and was hoping to get some good pictures of the land, and although I've taken some, they didn't turn out that great.  I'll try again.  In the meantime, enjoy this picture of our toasty, warm pellet stove!


Until next time ...


Our pellet stove in the living room 

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